Balsa Usa 1/4 Fokker Dv11 2235mm WS 1804C 25-35cc gas 8.6Kg 4Ch RC
The legendary Fokker D-VII was credited with the ability to make good pilots out of mediocre pilots and great pilots out of good pilots, just as this model can. The D-VII was also responsible for swinging the balance of air power back in favour of Germany late in the First World War. So if you are tired of being hunted at your flying field, try being the hunter with your very own Balsa USA Fokker D-VII.
Wing Span: 88 Inches
Wing Area: 2225 sq. in.
Wing Loading: 18 1/2 - 21 oz./sq.ft
Flying Weight: 18-20 lbs
Fuselage Length: 68 7/8 inches
Engine Size: 30-40 cc Gasoline
1.52-1.8 4-stroke Glow
Cowl Diametre: 6 1/2 Inches
Center of Gravity:5 inches back from the leading edge of the Center Section.
Control Throws:
Elevator: 1-1/4 inches up and down.
Rudder:2 inches left and right.
Ailerons: 1 inch up and down.
Aileron Differential: 1-1/4 inches up and 1/2 inch down (differential recommended).
Top Wing: +1-2 Degree.
Bottom Wing: -1-0.0 Degrees.
Tail: 0.0 Degrees.
Engine Thrust Line: 2 Degrees DOWN, 1-2 Degrees RIGHT.
Full size Rolled Plans and Instructions
Jig and die cut parts
Pre-bent Wire Landing Gear and Structs
Basic Hardware Package
Two removable "1-piece" bolt on wings
ABS Plastic Dummy Engine and Exhaust Manifold