The DH4 was an ever-present element of the U.S. Army Air Service both during and following World War I. Modeled from a British DeHavilland design, the DH4 was the only U.S. built aircraft to see combat during World War I. Primarily used for day bombing, observation and artillery spotting.
Wing Span: 127 Inches
Wing Area: 4,100 sq. In.
Height: 32" wing installed
25" Wings & Cabane Struts removed
Wing Loading: 17-20 oz./sq. ft.
Flying Weight: 30-35 lbs
Fuselage length: 89 Inches
Engine size: 45-65cc Gasoline or Equivalent (3W-55i recommended)
Center of Gravity: 5-5/8 inches back from the leading edge of the Top Wing.
Control Throws:
Elevator: 1-1/4 inches up and down.
Rudder: 3 inches left and right.
Ailerons: 1-1/4 inches up and down.
Aileron Differential: 1-1/4 inches up and 3/4 inch down (differential recommended).
Top Wing: +1 Degree.
Bottom Wing: -1-0.0 Degrees.
Tail: 0.0 Degrees.
Engine Thrust Line: 2 Degrees DOWN, 1-2 Degrees RIGHT.
Full size Rolled Plans and Instructions
Jig and Die cut parts
Pre0bent Wire Landing Gear
Basic Name Brand Hardware Package
ABS Plastic Cowl